Hi, I'm Gregory Paul Rothstein A Web Developer

I create, test, deploy websites and love technology.

About me

Information About Me

Graduate of State University of New York at Oneonta in the study of Web Design. Strengths include programming frontend software and scripting ways to test and deploy websites.









My Timeline

College Graduation

May 28th, 2012

Introduction to Programming

I took Computer Science courses that introduced me to programming the websites using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Introduction to the technique of Photoshop Image Slicing

In college, I was introduced to creating websites by using the slice tool in Photoshop or Fireworks on different designs to make boxes and saving it as many, many different small images. Then we would import them into Dreamweaver to make them HTML pages.

High School Graduation

June 28, 2008

Getting a Computer Achievement Award in High School.

I had gotten an award for my Computer Achievements.

Introduction to Design Classes

[2004 – 2008]

I had several computer classes throughout high school including Computer Graphics, Web Design, and Robotics. The software I learned was Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and coding with Lego Mindstorms. In Dreamweaver we used at the time the latest and greatest techniques using tables and the start of divs to create the websites.

Early Life and my first introduction to the Web

[2000 – 2004]

Started creating web pages using Yahoo GeoCities and websites such as that. I had used my young kid imagination to build a page called “Funny Money” as I remember it. As I can recall there was a login and a banking like atmosphere to this page.

My Portfolio

Here is a list of my projects that I have worked on. I have worked on a variety of projects, ranging from web development to mobile development.

Art By Rothstein

Chasing Good

My Blogs

Contact Me

Contact me here

If you have any questions please either contact me with one of the forms below. Or fill in the right.


:New York, NY, United States of America


:+1 914 960 7387







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